Welcome back and congratulations!

You’ve just made the second most important investment in your future

You secured your copy of the Call of Destiny Guide

Soon you will...

  • Discover and use your hidden talents to break free of past limitation 
  • Improve your relationships with the people close to you by finally understanding their true nature
  • See your destiny with clarity to know in which direction to guide your life
  • And so much more!

But what about the most important decision?

Well, you will make it right on this page and here is why:

Even though the Call of Destiny guide provides you with an incredibly accurate reading…

...even though many things fall in place just by studying it…

...you are still missing out on personal guidance regarding your future.

Advice I know you desperately need

Especially with your life changing date of October, 31 drawing closer

Truth be told, I didn’t even think I would go ahead and offer you this…

But your birth constellation is truly unique and made me rethink this decision

In fact…in my over 25,000 readings, I’ve never met anyone with this special alignment of stars

 And that’s why… you now have the opportunity to receive your personal Call of Destiny Life Guidance directly from me

What I’m talking about here is the same kind of guidance many celebrities, sports stars and even politicians turn to when looking for answers

Some even freely admit:

It’s the reason for why they succeed in such a big way

Controlled forecasting through the stars has made the difference between failure and success for many people you’ve heard about

 For example:

Ronald Reagan and his wife were convinced their personal astrologer saved the presidents life by warning them of an assassination attempt

J.P Morgan used to say

Millionaires don’t use astrology, billionaires do.

Actresses Angelina Jolie and Kim Kardashian...

...along with pop stars like Lady Gaga, Kate Perry, Rihanna, Taylor Swift, Beyoncé...

...and many others connect astrology directly to the plan God has for each one of us...

...and always make sure they are in alignment with the constellations

For the Call of Destiny Life Guidance, I’ll sit down and personally calculate what the upcoming week has in store for you

I then write it all down for you and send it to you on Monday morning via email

Please note, this isn’t some computer-generated text like the ones offered everywhere

This is a hand-written, personal analysis which only concerns you and your life

So what you will actually receive is a link to the document I wrote for you myself

I’m sure you are curious what kind of information it contains and which unique benefits it brings you

Here’s just a few of them:

  • Week after week, month after month, I am going to give you all your special lucky numbers, as well as all your personal lucky numbers to play the lottery, bingo, the races, the casino and other games of chance. As promised, here are your special lucky numbers, valid until October, 03: They are 3, 7 and 8         
  • Your personal lucky numbers for playing the lottery and other games of "chance”, valid until September, 29: 6, 14, 15, 19, 21 and 39.
  • I am going to tell you in detail all the periods (the weeks, days and times) when your chances of winning are going to be multiplied by 10, 20 and even more than 30 times. I recommend you to only play at the times of intense good luck I am going to indicate to you.
  • I am also going to tell you in detail all the less good, and really poor periods during which I strongly recommend you not play
  • The exact lotteries and games of "chance" at which you are going to have the greatest likelihood of winning, and those to which you should give greater attention
  • Where, when and how your luck is going to be multiplied, and what chances you have for succeeding in the projects you're involved in at this time
  • The best way to discover hidden talents and how to use them to your advantage to gain total self-confidence

Not just this, but you’ll also receive guidance in matters of money:

  •     What decisions you should make and when you should make         them to avoid finding yourself without enough money
  •     How to regularly receive all the money you need
  • Ways to avoid financial pitfalls and bad investments

You’ll receive relationship guidance to improve your love life and friendships:

  •    How to overcome problems with the people closest to you
  •    What options are open to you and what decisions must be made
  • How and when to make them so everything turns out well
  • How your relationship with the one closest to you will develop
  • Whether you are going to face problems in it and, if so, of what nature
  • What the results might be
  • What decisions you will have to make
  • How and when to make them
  • Which people in your life bring you good luck, and whether there are some people you must avoid at certain times (and why)

You’ll receive health guidance to avoid sickness and enjoy incredible energy:

  • Which one of your organs are weak and require special attention
  • Health-traps in your ways and how to avoid them
  • Imbalances your body is prone to and the best way to fix them

And that’s just some of the countless benefits the Call of Destiny Life Guidance will bring you

There are simply too many ways in which the stars can help you to fulfill your destiny to list them here

I’m sure you can imagine by now…

...consulting the stars about your destiny and sitting down to tell you about everything I’ve seen takes a lot of time and energy

The truth is that I charge my famous clients for a single session up to $500

But I’d never ask you for this kind of money because we’re friends now and I know it’s difficult if not impossible for you to afford such an investment

I want to be completely honest with you...

I also have a selfish motive why I’m making you this offer

The truth is, I’m beyond curious about your special birth constellation and how it plays out

That’s why I decided to give you access for just $1 for the first week to see how much value my guidance brings you.

Even better, after your trial ends, you won’t pay $500 or even $250 – which would be half the regular price, a discount of 50%

 I won’t charge you $125 either – a fourth of the price and a 75% discount


Only for you and only if you act now, I’ll make the Call of Destiny Life Guidance available to you for only $19.95 a reading

Yes, you heard that right

It’s less than 5% of what my famous clients pay and that’s why this special arrangement needs to stay between the two of us

Once you’ve clicked on the ‘Add to Cart’ button below, my weekly guidance will arrive at your email address conveniently every Monday morning

All you’ll need to do is open up your inbox and start enjoying all the benefits

And that’s not all...

money back


60 day guarantee

You invest this tiny amount only if you’re 100% delighted by the accuracy of all my predictions

And only if they enable you to get the positive changes you expect

In the unlikely case that despite my actions, you do not notice major positive changes in your life…

...if you have the slightest reservations…

...or if,  for any other reason whatsoever,

you are not 100% convinced…

...one word from you is enough and you will immediately and completely receive every nickel and dime of your investment back and I’ll no longer be your personal council

This try-out will then have cost you absolutely nothing

Not one red cent

I can’t imagine that could happen

But I insist our relationship should be built on mutual trust and that’s why I’m willing to take all the risk

Does this seem fair and honest to you?

I’m sure you understand that the only reason I can make such a generous offer is that for 30 years and over 25,000 prediction...

... I’ve been delivering on my promises


And again

And again

In fact, there are so many cases of indisputable evidence of my capabilities that it’s hardly a surprise astrology has been called

“The Mother of all Science”

It’s this powerful tool that is now at your disposal to turn the odds in your favor and give you back control over your life as you deserve

 So use this opportunity and click the “Add to Cart” button below now

Listen, in the next few months, Jupiter is going to enter some very favorable conjunctions which will not reoccur for almost a decade

And you must take advantage of these alignments now to enjoy the greatest benefits

The Call of Destiny Life Guidance can make the difference for you between failure and success – as well as between misfortune and happiness

I really want to help you with all my experience so the future will bring you what you are seeking

Trust me, and I promise to never abandon you

The guidance you receive concerns you personally

It’s absolutely unique and contains countless facts on your future and yourself

So it’s the best to keep it private

We both know how quickly people can turn jealous

If I could press the button for you, I’d do it

 But of course, it’s entirely your decision to accept my help

 I hope you will. 

We’ll stay friends, no matter what

 And I hope to hear from you soon